What Is NFT Auction Sale And How Does It Work

What Is NFT Auction Sale And How Does It Work?

The digital world has been highly captivating and ideally tracing a lot of signs up over the years, almost every day. The more insights gathered, the number keeps increasing. NFTs in that talk have a very prominent role in space, and it has been exploring limitations. Yet have you ever thought of how these NFTs gain value and keep gaining it in the process?

NFT Sales and NFT Auction for art have a major role. We just witness, as the creators put their idea into a form and digitize it with the minting process in NFT marketplaces or launchpads, projects exclusively hold such a space to showcase. But there is no end. In the sale, resale, and reselling again - transferring from one space, one wallet to another, the value keeps soaring. And their profits with remuneration. That's how projects earn liquidity in the process. Come on, let's get deep into NFT selling through different means, especially NFT Auctions.

What Is NFT Sale?

Non-fungible tokens are unique assets in the digital world that are backed with decentralized smart contacts. Considering them as assets in the blockchain networks they have their worth and value. Meanwhile, their uniqueness adds rarity to the scene yielding its value and worth.

Lining up this, what actually gets all these in a row? Obviously, the creator would haven’t just creed their art piece or any NFT in this case just to claim ownership and authority. And here trading enters the scene in the most niantic manner, convincing the market and determining value. NFT Trading is all about selling and buying, indeed in the digital space with digitized ownership, authority, and claim on the art or the asset.

The Creator or the seller in this case can list their asset in the NFT marketplace for direct sale or auction. The buyer interested in the asset can claim it by the norms. In direct NFT sales, the asset price is listed very precisely on the platform. The buyer either using crypto current or fiat can make their purchase directly where the value and NFTs are transferred within the respective wallets of the buyer and seller.

In the case of NFT Auction the process is slightly varied, let us discuss what's an NFT auction in detail.

Detailing NFT Auction For Art And Its Attributes

We discussed how NFTs are usually sold in the Marketplace and a brief on the direct sale method. Coming to the question - How NFT auction works? This is no complication but simply retrieving the long-gone auction method that was happening around the globe for fantastic, unique accessories, things, and many other legendary people and those who are noted in the history of the world. Usually, we have come across an auction either in pictures (movies) or sometimes in counties where there are people doing the blind auction for custom products that sometimes is a lucky kick or kick fall. That’s how life and reality treat us.

NFT auction, to be precise here. It became famous after the sale of Beeples NFT - a digital artist from America. His Everyday: The First 5000 Days caught the attention of the globe, a massive sale, through a huge auction, and its part in pioneering the world.

NFT auction is where the engagement of sellers and buyers in the NFT marketplace or the sale platform of the NFT collections is altered a bit, and brings in bidders to the space. They are not buyers, but one among them shall be the future owner of the asset listed.

As the seller quotes a base price and sets a particular time for the sale, all investors, bidders, and buyers are gaining information on the sale. Among them, a few or a lot of interested bidders come to the NFT Auction platform to Claim the asset. With time, the user can claim the asset by bidding the price for the NFT. as every bidder takes a chance. At the end of the auction, the highest bidder in the auction is authorized to claim the asset and they ascend the ownership of the asset.

With the documents and legal contracts meeting the needs, the NFTs are now from the seller's wallet to the ascending owner of the NFT once the value of the crypto they are bidding for, is out for the seller. This process happens simultaneously.

Bidding And Bidders

Bidding is a process where interested buyers come up to claim the asset that is out of sale in the auction. Here the seller places the minimum prices for the NFTs, and the bidders come forth with higher values one after the other. And at the end of the fight the one who has claimed the highest gets the ownership of the NFT.

Bidders in most of the marketplaces are allowed to claim their bid only when they have sufficient fiat or crypto. In a few cases, just to spice the scene, there are a lot of chances for scammers to shuffle, and this restricts such opportunities and leads to a fair and transparent bidding process.

Process Involved In NFT Auction Sale - For The Seller

NFT listing

The seller either in the NFT marketplaces that are available, like Opensea, Raible, etc., lists their NFTs or holds their own marketplace, a launchpad that facilitates the projects as a whole for the creator.

Prices set up

The creator in the first place names the NFT and gives a detailed description of assets and the price. This is going to be the bare minimum cost of the asset.

Time limit

Set the start and end time. The auction is generally open for more than a day. The start and end dates are set, along with the precise start and end times.

Time extension

It's later marketed to the audience, the seller, or creators, based on preferences and demand, they can extend the time or end it short as well.

End of bidding

At the final call, the bidding closes, the list of bidders appears, and the one with the highest bidding, is set to transfer directly after the proceeding protocol.


The seller gets the value or amount bidding highest, and the buyer receives the NFT to their wallet address respectively.

Process Involved In NFT Auction Sale - For The Buyer

Marketplace sign up

The buyers, generally the bidders in this scenario, are usually signed up in most of the NFT marketplaces trading NFTs. Sometimes in the case of the NFT project having its own marketplace or launchpad where its dealing happens, they are expected to be signed in with wallet integration.

Pick asset

The bidder picks the asset of their choice, that they wish to claim for themself.

Bidding and winning

As the auction gets life, it's updated to the bidders and they come to bid their price for the asset. For every higher bid the other bidder makes, the platform can be designed in a manner to notify the previously bidded user. One single user can bid anytime based on the value they hold in their wallet.

Transfer of asset

The highest bidder in the scene at the end of the auction gets the opportunity to claim the asset. After the legal protocols are met, the asset is received in their wallet, while the bid value is directly transferred to the seller's wallet.

NFT Auctions Are Of Different Types

Timed Auction (or) English Auction

It works on the concept of highest bidding. Interested buyers quote their bid for the assets within the time constraint. The seller accepts and transfers the asset to the bidder who has made the highest bid at the end of the auction. The buyer here makes a fixed price listing to the seller and they accept it.

Dutch Auction

This method works differently from a timed auction, here the prices fall from the opening bid. The bid starts at a higher price while the buyers bid lower or at comprehensive prices. Over time the value keeps dropping. The seller usually accepts the price that they feel is fine to sell it for.

Participation Admission

The auction fades in and out based on the participation of the users. There are two variants here. Open or closed participation. Open refers to that where any user interested in the asset or NFT can make their claim. While in case of over-participation and demand, the seller can opt for a close auction, the users with that invite can alone bid and claim the asset. Sometimes sellers whitelist the buyer to notify on airdrops.

Market Per Capita

With soaring capabilities, we see NFTs exploring almost every network, while NFT auction sales have yielded great interest from investors and buyers around the globe. There is a lot of competition and equally high-profile creatives are all in the way.

With NFTs touching almost every sector, and every industry, there are these Phygitals in the world of NFTs captivating the interest of the market. With brands exploring the market of metaverse through their creative spaces, here Phygital NFTs who are going to have both digital and physical existence, in the parallel world, have high scope in the future.

Popular NFT Sale

1. Everydays: the First 5000 Days — $69.3m

2. Pak’s ‘The Merge’ — $91.8m

3. Clock — $52.7m

4. Beeple’s HUMAN ONE — $28.985

5. CryptoPunk #7804 — $7.6m


We see a lot in the news, the high and lows are permanent but the change is constant while adaptations in this digital world keeps revolving and evolving. NFTs course, with new crypto coming in with different abilities and for various purposes, NFTs also do so and the NFT sale through NFT auction or direct method have great future. And for those who want to get their projects scale high in the NFT world, Blockchain development services facilitators can get your needs fulfilled in the simplest way with a simplified solution. Get to explore the world of possibilities with your creatives.

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About Author

Yokesh Sankar

Yokesh Sankar is the Co-founder and COO of BlockchainX, a pioneer in Web3 and blockchain innovation. With extensive experience in designing and deploying 100+ scalable, user-centric solutions for startups and enterprises, he plays a pivotal role in driving the adoption of emerging technologies across industries.

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